There is something that stirs in me as soon as I get off of a plane. It is a relief.

Weeks pass and the weight of everyday life builds up the deadlines, cleaning, relationships, creative pressure, social planning and what not. I stir around in my own angst, which makes the world seem small. I lay awake at night worried that I am fresh out of ideas for the book what vegetable have I not exhausted in my recipe writing yet? I needed this trip to get out of my own head. I needed to leave and to be reminded that this world is actually huge, that there is SO much out there, so many stories and things to try. I sat on the lightrail of Seattle en route to our hotel, just staring at all the people waiting to go somewhere and I wondered what they were worried about. Were all going to be alright is it weird that I wanted to yell that out the window? For them and for me. Despite the amount of cheese and sugar I consumed in the past four days, my mind feels healthier.

I was thrilled to finally meet some friends I had, so far, only admired from my corner of the internet. Weve exchanged emails and blog comments, but I got the chance to look at them in the face. Its strange how you feel like you know someone from behind a web address or twitter avatar, isnt it? Truth is, if they do it well and honestly, you pretty much do. Genuine people are easy to spot and a pleasure to know.

We spent our days with eating, walking, drinking coffee, and seeing friends on repeat. I just wanted to pop in here with a few words and a couple photos (Hugh didnt take many, he was busy eating), and assure you that after weeks of being burnt out of cooking in general, I feel more excited about being back in the kitchen. Ill bring you food next week, but ! til then , I think you should start planning a trip. Anywhere.


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