Dancing Fish @ Bangsar Shopping Centre, Kuala Lumpur

Yesterday I appealed to you dear readers for a donation. A pity I have yet to receive a single donation. Please consider again to donating a small sum for charity, particularly to the Oxfam where I will be one of the many teams attending their charity 100km Brisbane Trailwalker in June. It is for a good cause and particularly to the Australians, it is tax deductible too!


Back to my trip to Kuala Lumpur.

Despite all that craving for food before the trip, I was feeling rather flat by the end of it of all with the running and driving. So 2 days before we had to fly off, my friend asked where I wanted to eat and catch up.

Feeling all lazy, I let her choose and we ended up in Bangsar Shopping Centre which turns out to be a good decision except for the ridiculous parking charges (although who am I to complain when Australia charges multiples of that for parking).

Many more restaurants have sprouted in this place, who knew that what looked like a dying place could have been bought back into life.

I decided that I wanted Asian cuisine and Dancing Fish fit that criteria serving a mix of Indonesian and Malaysian cuisine.

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The Crackers with the Fiery Sambal was a good start since I had actually didn't really eat breakfast and it was close to lunch time.

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The less spicy Sambal Eggplant was much more appetising without burning my tongue right through.

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The Taufu Telur was alright with the sauce too watery but the taufu very smooth within. I still remember the best I had (which was the first time I had it) from a stall at the KLCC food court yonks ago, a pity it is no longer there. Anyone know which stall I am talking about?

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The Bebek Bali, the crispy duck that everyone talks about when they go to Bali. While I loved the crispy bits that they sprinkle on top of the duck, the meat was cooked to the point of being dry. Was it a re-frying job, I wonder?

I know I haven't taken a picture but when you call out for rice, take the yellow option, the fragrance from the spices calls out to you for another scoop during the course of the meal.

All in all, a pleasant meal but prices as expected in shopping malls are quite expensive, setting you back RM50 per pax.

Address and contact details:

Dancing Fish Malay-Indo Cuisine,
3rd Floor, Bangsar Shopping Centre,
Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 2095-6663

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Verdict: 3.5 stars out of 5 stars. Looking for that combination of Malaysian-Indonesian cuisine, this fits the plate with its offerings. Food is pleasant in a swanky environment.

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