1 Day Acuvue Moist Advantages of daily contacts vs monthly contacts

1 month is up after my previous eye check; [Details HERE ] & I have been regulating a 1 Day Acuvue Moist hit lens instead of my usual monthly contacts.

So a time has come for me to share my opinion of a 1 Day Acuvue Moist hit lens.

Other than a viewable factors, that is convenience, cos we get to throw it out after a single day, a $ savings of not carrying to buy salty resolution since we wont have to soak a lenses overnight as good as light traveling, as we do not need to projection bottles of salty with we though only packs of brand new contacts, there have been a couple of other essentials points to prominence about 1 Day Acuvue Moist hit lens.

Acuvue Moist 1 day

For myself, I regularly have this problem:

1 Day Acuvue Moist contacts

Though Im paying for monthly contacts; every month, cave would hardly last 2 weeks prior to this would happen. Else it is a stratch right in a centre of a lens.
Naturally, my contacts supply of 6 months lasted only for 3-4 months.

I guess its due to a prolonged hours as well as heavy make make use of of of contacts in my every day lifestyle. I wake up unequivocally early as well as Im up til late during night, during a gym, office, meetings, then events during night in smoky as well as unequivocally bad ventilated venues.

So how does a every day becoming different contacts differs from a monthly ones?

For one, a brand new 1 DAY ACUVUE MOIST with LACREON record effectively enhances lens joy by henceforth embeds* a water-holding ingredient, similar to that found in natural tears, in to a proven Etafilcon A material.

Close up

Key unique selling points:

1 DAY ACUVUE MOIST lenses have been henceforth embedded with a water-holding part similar to that
found in natural tears.

* The record creates a prolonged lasting, silky smooth layer throughout a lens.

* The hit lenses help your eyes feel fresh as well as comfortable all day long, even during a finish of a day, so we can wear your contacts for prolonged hours!

* It keeps your eyes healthy as we aria your eyes less.

1 DAY ACUVUE MOIST Specifications

Packaging thirty pieces per box

Wear Schedule Daily wear, every day replacement

Power Myopia -0.50D Myopia -6.00D (in 0.25D increments)
- Myopia -6.50D Myopia -12.00D (in 0.50D increments)

Diameter 14.2mm

Base Curve 8.5 \ 9.0mm

Visibility Tint Light Blue

UV Blocking UV restraint 97% UVB & 82% UVA -I consider this is an critical factor!!

UV-BlockingUV blocking+Medical DeviceMedical DeviceInside outInside outAll in all, Im certainly elegant of a actuality that my eyes have been not severe as well as dry by 9pm during night. Likewise, my eyes felt fresher due to CLEAN FRESH lenses every day.The convenience of being able to only throw away a lenses after make make use of of each night have been perfect for a bustling as well as quiescent busy-bee me. ;-) The disproportion in cost for monthly lenses as well as dailies have been a cause to cruise of course, though theres regularly a cost to compensate for convenience right?For me, no cost is too high for a consequence of my eyes health. What do we think?


This is not a paid advertorial. My compensation for 2 blog posts upon my eye caring knowledge with Johnson & Johnson is 6 boxes of Acuvue every day lenses (which is actually 3 months supply).
Check out my previous eye-check knowledge HERE !! This was unequivocally cold as a optometrist used some high tech apparatus & I unequivocally loved a experience!

The role of this post is to share with we a key features as well as benefits of a newly launched1 DAY ACUVUE MOIST hit lenses.


Vision Space Optometrist is facing a LDP, upon a same row as Restaurant Dharoos.

Living & Leisure Buzz

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