1. The fact that I can't seem to understand my neuropsych readings, especially on sensation and perception! Half of the time, I would go 'What the effing hell are they talking about? What is this? Why are these things not explained in the notes?' And when I email my lecturer about "not getting it", he replied, "Don't tell me it's everything!" Gasp.
2. I really dislike neuropsych (except for the drug bits and facial recognition). Period.
3. I cannot believe I dislike neuropsych that much. I used to love it when I was in year 2. Wait, no, that was when the subject is called "Biological Psychology" and Michael Saling was my tutor. I thought I would hate that subject back then. In fact, it was my best psychology subject ever since Mind Brain and Behavior Module 2.
4. When I thought I loved a certain subject, I actually ended up hating it to the point I felt like strangling someone. To name: Creative Writing, Social and Personality Psych ( I dislike the lecturer a lot because she puts no effort in her lectures), Developmental Psych (I don't like my tutor because she leaves no comments on my essay at all, giving me reasons to doubt my H3 - I had to find my lecturer to explain the H3).
5. When I thought I hated a certain subject, I actually ended up loving it. To name: Biological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Mind, Brain and Behavior 2, American History.
6. Haha. And my pustules are erupting everywhere. A sign that the benzoyl peroxide, hydroxy acids and Vitamin A is working. Yet, I feel that I have zero confidence at the moment. You know, they say beauty is from your heart but we are such superficial creatures most of the time, that's basically untrue when it comes to first impression. I look dirty. Extremely dirty. As if I never take care of my skin while the opposite is true. T_T My sister told me that if she had my face, she would commit suicide.

away? No thanks! *They are quite red in real life. Photobooth is good in this way*
7. That my parents are in Madrid enjoying life. And I'm here, cold, slaving away, thinking of better days to come. At least I have Bistro Vue to look forward to next Tuesdays.
Anyway, new recipe for you stressed students out there.
Recipe: Steamed pork ribs (Serves 2)
-3 pork ribs (rub with white pepper and five spice powder and pre-boil in hot water for 5 minutes to remove blood - it's easier to cut the pork after pre-boiling it)
- 6 shitake mushrooms, fresh/dried (soak before use), cut into slices
-6 pieces of cloud ear fungus (dried - soak in warm water for 30 minutes), cut into small pieces
-A knob of ginger, skin peeled, cut into slices
-1 spring onion, chopped
-2 tablespoon of soy sauce
-1 tablespoon of Chinese rice wine
-1 teaspoon of sugar
-1 drop of sesame oil
-A pinch of pepper
1. Prepare ingredients. Soak fungus. Marinate and boil pork for 5 minutes. Mix ingredients B together.
2. Prepare a large deep pan. Fill half of the pan with water. Place a steaming rack on top. Bring to boil.
3. In a aluminium pan, place pork, mushrooms, fungus, ginger and spring onion. Place in the pan after water is boiling.
4. Steam for 15-20 minutes on medium heat! . Serve with rice and Asian greens.
Note: If you're the type who prefers to eat healthy, it's advisable that you remove the fat from the pork while consuming it. This is a community service message.
Hope all of you have a great week ahead!
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