Melbourne Uni, so far.

I used to be so goddamn pessimistic about my university because I feel that the place is like a cold mausoleum despite flooded with living, breathing, talking and walking beings. Amidst all the noise, the world around me is a blanket of silence with the exception of an annoying pure tone buzzing in the background.

Now, I somehow enjoy basking under the lapis lazuli skies at the South Lawn. with my two new lunch companions, G and C. With the sounds of branches bristling along with the wind, murmur from the hundreds of students that walk past the vast space lined with bricks and trees, and the occasional bursts of conversations about the most random-est things between my companions, I feel at peace.

I do not remember having such moments when I was at university because I had none. I met up with friends and all over coffee and lunch, but that was usually done outside university walls. I guess, this is me, learning to love my university.

I cannot say that third year is being cruel to me even though assignments seem to renew afresh after old ones were submitted. I cannot bring myself to actually dislike the university that I am in although the system is pretty chaotic.

Why is that I stopped being so? Was it the vitamin pills that I am ingesting? It's a mother load of pills you know. Something is working and shielding me against my usual bouts of depression. I am less moody. More happy. I feel weird because I stopped feeling too stressed over my assignments (to the point I would cry incessantly). I feel unorthodox because even if my sister were to yell at me at something significant, I get really angry but my heart's fire extinguishes in less than 60 seconds. Even if I moan about missing home, I never get teary or feel like my chest is stuffed with the torment from the lack of maternal love.It seems that the sun shines even if the weather is stormy.

And the weirdest thing is that, here I am, thinking that all of this happin! ess is s trange.

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