roasted apple spice sheet cake

roasted apple spice subway cake

Yesterday, our little bear turned three which, you know, is impossible since we are unequivocally certain that we just brought him home from the hospital yesterday. Seriously, right here, through the door to my right and we put the carrier that he was sleeping deeply within on the table. It looked strange there [Also, we were hungry and unsure of the logistics -- is it rude to eat lunch while your newborn is on the table? Isn't it worse to place him on the floor?] Sure, there were one or two hundred fewer fire engine parts, stuffed hedgehogs and train tracks scattered across the living room carpet, and maybe we looked a little younger and better-rested; I probably didnt have my iPhone wedged between sofa cushions the way I do right now so that my talking-walking-doing things mini-human couldnt co-opt it to watch Elmo videos again (how does he find them?), but otherwise, nothing has changed. Nothing! Dont say it. Didnt your mother teach you never to argue with crazy people?

lightly roasting the apples

I know a lot of people who have had babies lately and I feel like I should say something wise here because I understand how utterly hectic the first few months can be, not because newborns are particularly difficult but because youre terrified youre going to break them,! or mayb e just a little shell-shocked in general. One minute theyre slumped over your shoulder snoring the tiniest snore ever emitted and you feel utterly centered, a sense of all the generations that came before this one gathered invisibly around their squished faces in beaming admiration, and the next theyre red-faced and full of rage, their squawking mouths in a perfect open circle, and you and your significant other are frantically running through the checklist you keep in your heads (hungry? cold? tired? wet?) which grows more complicated every few months (is your swaddle loose? did you roll over in the night again and cant get yourself back? so help us, did we put you to bed with the little George and you wanted the big one?) and more complicated still (Mommy, we have to take Ernie, Bert and Twacktor back to the park. Jacob, its 2 a.m. Please go back to sleep.). I also have a bunch of friends who are quite close to deciding to have babies but theyre so understandably freaked out by everything they read about the crying and the not sleeping and the life will never be the same ever ever again that theyre terrified to move forward. But I cant. I have no wisdom to impart, no pithy catchphrases that will cause it all to make sense. I can only say LOOK AT THIS. I can no longer imagine life any other way.

cake delight

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smitten kitchen 2006-2012. |permalink to roasted apple spice sheet cake | one comment to date | see more: Apple, Celebration Cakes, Fall, Photo

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