
Today is a happy day. Its my third birthday. Or at least thats what I am calling it because it marks the third time Ive been given the gift of life. Let me explain a little.

I was born in the month of April.

My second birthday on July 31st is the date of my first kidney transplant. I happily and humbly celebrated this day for almost twenty years. Nearly two decades that I was given because someone else someone that I never met made the choice to become an organ donor. Its a day that I will continue to honor in their memory.

And Im grateful to celebrate my third birthday for the first time today June 14th and it could not be any more special to me. Last year I needed to have another transplant and this time my mom gave me the gift of life again. A year ago today we were both in surgery. One of my moms kidneys was removed and transplanted in me. Her love and complete unselfishness has given me another chance.My mom is amazing and Im so thankful for her. I hope we celebrate this date for many years to come.


With that, I just want to say or shout Yay and Happy 3rd Birthdayto me. My mom and I will be celebrating and of course well be eating a big slice of this cake today. Thats what birthdays are for, right.


I love you mom!

And thank you guys too for being here. You and this blog are responsible for some of the best years of my life. I hope this little spot on the internet brings you happiness from time to time. As much happiness as you all have brought me with your kind words and support through it all.

Me and my moms kidney

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