Supplies Surprise Bazaar #4: Aftermath

So its over and done.

The bazaar was on Saturday, I stayed up till 4.30am on Thursday night, and till 7am on Friday night (which was also the morning of Saturday) to make all the stuffs.

What can I say, since its the first time Im doing a bazaar sale thingy, I didnt know how much or what to expect, so I just kept churning out stuffs to make sure I have enough whenever someone drops by my booth. And I had WAAAYYYY too much. The sales of the day could just cover the cost of my stuffs, but I had like lots of leftover cupcakes and Christmas cookies.

I guess I should now give them out to orphan homes or to anyone I see on the road. :P Well, a little charity work could be good to end off year 2011.

Here are some of the stuffs that I made, and how the booth looked like.

Taken immediately after the booth was set up. Then moved the box at the back, and forgot to take another picture :P

Yummy marshmallow!! oh its so yummy really really soft and fluffy and light, and it doesnt involve any eggs white! After all the macaron making, I have like close to 40 egg yolks.

Christmas cookiesssss!!! Well My mom helped decorated most of the cookies. I just made one for sample then just helped put the decoratives on it. And mom & dad also helped me pack the cupcakes, write the labels and seal! What would I do without them <3

Mogador!! Goodness this one was yummiest. I used Felchins Rondor 38.5% Ok ok I know its not Valrhona or any of those RM 100 / kg chocolate. This one was about RM 40/kg. #closeenough.jpg :p Its passionfruit and milk chocolate. At first I was afraid that it would be cloyingly sweet as Im more a fan of dark than milk, but turns out just balanced, with a littly tang at the back of your throat.

Chocolate. with chocolate ganache. In Pierre Hermes recipe, it uses 100% cocoa mass ? I bought that, but I wasnt keen on trying an entirely new recipe in such a short time. So I just used my regular recipe and added 15g of cocoa powder (to TPT of 400g) For the chocolate ganache, I used Felchins Rondo 70% dark as well. Using Valrhona for a bake sale, is, . em, well, Im too stingy for that. And especially when people refuse to understand the types and importance of chocolate. Oh well. I shall keep the Guanaja for special occasions. Nevertheless, this was good! I blew some edible copper dust on top for a light shade of red. (OH SANTA I WANT A AIRBRUSH MACHINE PLEASE!)

Blue ones were kumquat. WHAT? Kumquat.

Its vanilla italian buttercream with homemade spiced kumquat marmalade. Marmalade has like a whole pod of vanilla, 2 cloves and 1 star anise. Did I also tell you, I made all 850g of kumquat? Since it can keep, I might as well right? Lets do kumquat madeleine, entremet and er, doughnuts? Just saying.

And the other 2 were coffee and caramel, and green tea and red bean. Which I havent took their pictures yet. Well, next time.

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