10 Real-Talk Blog Tips


Its time for just a touch of real-life blogger talk.

Its not often that bloggers talk honestly about the beginning, the behind the scenes, the flops, the late nights, and all the doughnuts.

Allow me to lay a tiny bit of truth speak on you.

Im the boss of me dig it.

10 Real-Talk Blog Tips

(in no particular order)

One: Whats the secret when it comes to successful blogging? What SEO trick will work magic? What recipe will make people swoon. What words will make people follow? Truth is, there is no secret. Bummer, right?

Heres the deal

Only blog if you LOVE it. Only make it if you want to eat it. Only photograph it if you think it looks pretty, sparkly, or otherwise awesome. Only write about it if youre really into it. Only wear it if you think its major. When it comes to blogging only do it if you love it.

Two: When it comes to photography theres something you should know: find a camera thatyoure comfortable with. You dont need the biggest, baddest camera and lens to create a beautiful blog space. Know what I love to shoot with? My iPhone. All of the photos pictured here are from my phone. My blog started because of the photographs I was taking of food with my big, blocky TMobile phone. Seriously It took me years to work up to a major camera, and even now I love to shoot with my cell phone. Oh! Want to easily add cute fonts to your photographs? You can use an easy program called Picnik in Flickr.


Three: Lets talk about real life. You have a day job because you totally have to pay your bills and buy cute shoes. By the time you get home at night its a) dark, b) youre starving, c) you totally just want to order Thai food, d) youre out of butter, and e) you have The Walking Dead on your DVR and you want to scare yourself with zombies. I totally understand this. When are you supposed to create content and work on your blog right?

I have the answer: its not easy. Youre doing a hard thing. I know because I spent a lot of time doing the very same hard thing. Know what I would do because I was totally nuts-o? I would wake up early in the morning and make and photograph an easy recipe. Id then come home late at night and blog about it. One the weekend I would go nuts trying to create content that I would blog about during the week. My friend all thought I was bonkers and I was. Most of my friends shrugged their shoulders. Some of my friends made fun of me. A few friends fell away because I wasnt making the time for them. I was following the (incredibly dorky) thing that I loved the most thats it. I made sacrifices and I created time and now I just sleep less.

Four: Make friends in the community because friends are awesome!!!! I think Twitter can be a magic/weirdo/Internet friend making machine. I also think Instagram is fun. Find people who do what you love and make friendship out of it. Its really exciting to see where those connections can lead. Want to know a fact? I met Tracy at a blog conference two years ago now were major.

Five: Make things pretty. Pretty things are important, and more simple than you might think. Layer plates and patterns. Use colorful napkins. Burlap is cheap and totally adds texture. Crinkle up some parchment paper and use it as a background. Buy a few nice pieces of silver from a thrift store. Raid the Anthropologie sale section. Add a glass of sparkling rose to the background of your shot and definitely drink it later. When in doubt, add bacon and/or caramel. People like pretty things. Its universal.

Know who is good at making things pretty? The Cuisinerd.

ps. Cheese plate preparation coming this week!


Six: Blogging with dedication isnt easy. Its not rocket science but it takes time, effort, vision, and more time. But! I try to make it look easy and feel effortless. This blog isnt about my heavy lifting, lack of sleep, or sweaty brow. This blog is about cinnamon rolls and cupcakes and boys. Keep it positive. Keep it pretty. If a recipe flops and recipe always flop move on, try something different, and add more chocolate. Work hard to make it look easy. and just be ok with the fact that its totally not easy.

Seven: I dont think this blog would work if you didnt know how silly bonkers my lif! e is. Yo u know that theres cat hair everywhere. You know that I burn toast. You know that I date boys and get dumped. You know that I crash my bike. You know that I occasionally eat my feelings. I think sharing is important. You know that weird thing you do with your sock drawer? Share that! Find you voice and be vulnerable. Youll be surprised by how many people connect to your weirdness.

I admire Shauna of Gluten Free Girl for her disarmingly vulnerable writing.

Eight: Find people and blogs that you admire. Know them. Love them. Emulate them but add your own twist, voice, and style then write them an email expressing your sincere affection.

I adore Heidi of 101 Cookbooks.

Nine: Start small and let yourself grow and learn. I started this blog with three readers. I was stoked. Three months in I had 32 readers. I was majorly stoked. 100 readers a day!? I was over the moon!! What Im saying is, dont sweat your numbers. Dont worry about the amount of comments you get. Really. Leave all that mess alone. If you love it just have a doughnut and keep going.


Ten: Buy yourself flowers, take yourself out to lunch, drink a lot of tea, find the time and make the time to blog but only if you love it. If you dont love it thats totally ok too. Be kind to yourself. For serious its just a blog. No bigs.

Joy the Baker is fueled by:

WordPress. Thesis theme. Butter. Flour. Black tea. Late nights. Flickr. Twitter. Facebook. Instagram. Foodbuzz. Canon 5D. 24-105 lens. iPhone. Emails. Friendship. iPhoto. Natural light. Michael Friedman. Kettle corn. Post-it notes. To-do lists. Deborah Lippman nail polish. Nesting bowls. And an irresponsible sweet tooth.

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