A Nice Berry Pie

I'm sitting here in my neighborhood coffee shop attempting to write about pie. To be more specific, berry pie. I'm easily distracted and a bit of a daydreamer, so we'll see how this goes. I suspect it could be one of those scenarios where it takes me the better part of an hour to craft a sentiment that basically communicates the following. This is the pie I bake most often. It's made with the crust I love most. And it's a stand-up way to use good berries as well as berries that aren't quite perfect. It's made with a rye flour crust that I pair with a simple mixed berry filling seasoned with a sprinkle of fresh thyme leaves.

Berry Pie Recipe

But lets circle back a bit. How about I tell you what I like in a berry pie? I suspect not all of you will agree with me, but let me put it out there. I like a flaky-yet-substantial all-butter crust. I like that crust baked just this side of too dark. But not so dark that it gets overly dry. I also appreciate a slice of pie that (generally speaking) maintains its wedge shape. I like a filling that tastes like fruit, not sugar. And I'm sure there are a number of other things - if they come to mind later, I'll tack them on to the end of this list.

Berry Pie Recipe

As far as pulling this pie together is concerned, the filling is straight forward. It's the homemade crust that sends everyone into a tailspin. I try to link out to some good instructional sites within the recipe (below) for those of you who are nervous about technique, or aren't quite sure how to approach pie crusts. Lots of pictures, and a video. I might use different ratios/ingredients, but the techniques are the same. And just know, a bit of practice will have you crank! ing out pies in no time. This rye pie crust in particular is super adaptable - sometimes I sweetened it with a bit of sugar, or sprinkle sugar on top prior to baking. Herbs are welcome, as is citrus zest. I use it for savory pies, and for tarts too.

Continue reading A Nice Berry Pie...

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