tomato salad with crushed croutons

tomato salad with crushed croutons

We spent the last week in what I call the vacation trifecta: among beaches, wineries and farm stands. The vacation was supposed to be a reward for getting my book finished by August 1st. Instead, I all but tried to cancel the vacation when I realized I wouldnt be done. Despite all of my practice over the last few months, Im not very good at not finishing things. I dont like going to bed with dishes in the sink, Id rather stay up until midnight getting something done than have to start the morning with an old item on my to-do list and I did not want to go on vacation until I finished my project. Oh no. I did not. I might have even dreaded it.

after the beach

everything is prettier on vacation

Thank goodness we went anyway as we had fantastic vacation, I dare say the best one weve had since adding another member to our family. As it turns out, when the baby sleeps (in a bed! in a strange place! like a champ! who is this child and what did he do with Jacob?) on vacation, everyone gets one and it also turns out, when youre really on v! acation, any and all promises you made to yourself to get some work done go out the window. Thank heavens for that too. Other signs of a good vacation: I didnt take many photos. I ignored the stack of recipes Id bookmarked for Ideal Summer House Cooking (yawn). We went to a different winery every afternoon. I fell asleep with saltwater in my hair on at least three different occasions. I discovered that when my son sings the alphabet, for the P, and the P only, he closes his eyes, reaches his arms wide, tips his head back and belts out a giant PEEEEAA! I splurged on local feta and started making crunchy summery salads every night tossed with it and whatever could be diced raw. We had countless ears of corn and at least one lunch of tomato-corn omelets (have you done this yet? Because Im obsessed with them). There was a birthday breakfast for my husband of skillet baked French toast. There was an accidental recipe of what Im now calling sugar steaks, and making intentionally. Two batches of dry-rub ribs (a twist on Mollys rub, McGees technique) in the oven, because its so, so easy that way. And my future fall obsession came to me early at our daily jaunts to the North Fork Table & Inn Food Truck: chicken posole. It was amazing; I promise to try to recreate it soon.

lots of this

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smitten kitchen 2006-2011. |permalink to tomato salad with crushed croutons | one comment to date | see more: Photo, Salad, Summer, Tomatoes

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