Joe can cook! Season 2 Episode 1: A heart clogging French Toast

I remember when I was a kid, my mom used to make good old french toast for our breakfast or lunch boxes. Those days, it was rather simple; white bread dipped in eggs with sugar and butter and off to the pan.

Fast forward years (quite a few too) and you see french toast that comes to many forms; from the Hong Kong ones which are deep fried with a filing of melting peanut butter to the French ones where they use brioche and all sorts of wonderful topping that stops short of murdering you on your table.

So what better way to kick start the recipe side of my blog with a simple french toast recipe that you can make while the other half is still in bed (the subtle hint).


In the quest to make a perfect french toast as possible, I stopped by the french bakery to get what else but a loaf of brioche. These babies are not cheap, a decent sized loaf is about AUD10 but will probably yield 8-10 slices. However comparatively a plate of french toast with all the fancy toppings will set you back AUD15 anyways.


Whisk up some eggs, 50-75ml of milk, a teaspoon of vanilla extract and a pinch of cinnamon. If it needs a bit of sugar, add a teaspoon of it. For the whole loaf, you will probably need 3-4 eggs, if you need more "mixture", you can substitute with a bit more milk. Feeling more indulgent? A spoonful ! of cream in it will do the trick.

Soak the brioche slices in until it has absorbed as much egg mixture as it can and pan fry on low heat with butter. Yes, you read right "B U T T E R". What's a french dish without butter?


While it could have done with more colour, I couldn't wait and had to take it out and sink my teeth in it.

I can tell you, we were both satisfied to eat this on a Sunday morning. So don't let me catch any of you asking what to eat for breakfast on Sunday!

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