whole wheat raspberry ricotta scones

baked raspberry ricotta scones

This is the very first recipe I developed for my cookbook. It came as an accident you would think that someone who spends as much time shopping for groceries as I do wouldnt constantly run out of flour and cream mid-recipe but Id surprise you but I immediately fell in love with it and knew it needed a home in print. Over the last year, I made them whenever Ive had an excuse and a few times that I didnt. They fit so squarely within the vision I had for the book that when everything else felt impossible Id think, Its okay. Ive still got those whole wheat raspberry ricotta scones. They made me happy.

I just read that back to myself and realize how weird it sounds. Its been a weird year.

raspberries + flours
raspberries meeting their end

And then, just as quickly as I fell in love with them, I cast them aside for something else. One day in June, a day when I was playing around with breakfast recipes long after I promised Id cut myself off, I made a new scone and without even blinking, swapped it in and kicked these to the curb. Poor scones; its not their fault theyre not the prettiest. Theyre a bit craggy and their final shape is always hard to predict. The dough is messy you cut raspberries right into it, like butter, but dont w! orry, th ere is also butter and it needs to be treated with a gentle hand. I had my reasons to give it the boot but still.

ricotta, heavy cream, yes

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smitten kitchen 2006-2011. |permalink to whole wheat raspberry ricotta scones | no comment to date | see more: Breakfast, Photo, Raspberries, Scones/Biscuits

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