Salt and Vinegar Potato Salad


I made a thing that tastes like another thing

Salad that tastes like chips.

Wait would anyone sign up for chips that taste like salad?


Wait. Cobb Salad chips? Yes. How an we make this happen?

Ok. Im totally distracted. I need to tell you about potato salad.

This salad is special. Theres pickling and beans involved.


Have you ever tried green beans in potato salad?

I blanch them in hot water with the potatoes, just as the potatoes are almost done cooking.

They re bright green and still crisp. A really lovely compliment to the soft potato flesh.


Speaking of potatoes.

These colorful New Potatoes are just about the only potato that I want to cook with lately. I buy them at Whole Foods. If you cant get your hands on this sort of potato, any New Potato will do. Theyre soft and buttery.



I know. You dont like onions. But!! Dont tune out!

These onions are different.

Sure theyre seemingly strong red onions, but were going ! to pickl e them in a hurry!


Thinly sliced red onions are combined with salt and cider vinegar and left to pickle for about an hour.

This simple action really softens the flavor of the onions. Like tremendous. Its such an amazing trick.

I found myself sneaking bites of raw onion a they were pickling. Raw onion. And Im totally not an onion person.

Trust me this is delicious.


The other majorly impotant ingredient in this recipe is OLD BAY SEASONING! How could I forget to take a picture of this?! I was in a hurry. I didnt want to be late for this party. So I wasnt late. Ok I was still a few minutes late, but no biggie, ok!?

and then hello shots

I had every intention of taking a picture of the finished salad at this party and then someone brought jello shots shaped like orange slices. I mean. come on!

The moral of the story because there totally is a moral is this:

Salt and Vinegar chips are the best of all chips. that is, of course, until someone invents Cobb Salad chips.

Colorful potatoes are obsession worthy.

Pickled red onions are exactly 48 times better than you might expect.

Someone should invent Old Bay Seasoning Shampoo. Until then well have to be generous with the seasoning in our potato salad.

Salt and Vinegar! Potato Salad

recipe adapted from Shutterbean

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1 large red onion, cut in half them sliced thinnly

1/2 to 3/4 cup apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoons salt

1/2 pound fresh green beans, sliced into 1-inch bits

4 pounds New Potatoes

1 tablespoon Old Bay Seasoning

1/3 cup olive oil

In a medium bowl, combine sliced onion, 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar, and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Toss to coat and let sit at room temperature for about 1 hour. Toss occasionally during the hour.

Place clean, sliced green beans in a bowl and set aside.

Place un-peeled potatoes in a large pot. Cover with cold water and add a hearty pinch of salt. Bring to a boil, then simmer until potatoes are cooked through. Check the potatoes after about 15 minutes of simmering. Insert a sharp knife into a potato, if it meets just a bit of resistence, the potatoes are almost done cooking. When the potatoes have another 3 to 5 minutes of cookies, add the greed beans. Let beans simmer with the potatoes until potatoes are cooked through. Drain both the potatoes and beans into a collander.

When potatoes are cool enough to handle, use your fingers and a sharp knife to peel most of them. This might seem totally annoying. It is. I didnt peel all of my potatoes. I like the rustic feel of some skin.

Coarsely slice potatoes into large chunks. Place potatoes and green beans in a large bowl, and top with pickled onions. Toss to coat. Add another 1/4 to 1/2 cup vinegar, Old Bay Seasoning, and 1 teaspoon salt. Top with olive oil and toss to coat. Serve warm or cold. Its also super delicious after a few days rest in the fridge.

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