Weve recently got our hands on some gourmet ingredients- the larger than palm sized foie gras, few kilos of Spanish ribs, and the o-so-tempting pork loin. Weve also given some really good imported Spanish pork belly which Im probably going to make char siew later (any good recipes to share?)
So Crazieapple was heading the kitchen that night because shes still living the life of a jobless bummer. Whilst I came whizzing in after work to assist her with the dirty work, i.e. cutting and shredding vegetables =P
1/Crazieapple preparing to baked her ribs
2/ Foie gras- yums!
3/ *loves*
4/ Pork loin in the making
5/ Almost there
6/ I claimed the biggest piece!
Our menu of the night was pan-seared foie gras with caramelized apple, which had a wonderful combination of flavours. It was an easy done dish, and with Crazieapple doing re-runs on how to properly dissect the foie gras on youtube more than 10 times, its safe to say shes a pro in the area already.
Then there was the Jack Daniels spare ribs, which we ran into minor hiccups, but in the end it just turns out so beautifully that I was eating while licking my fingers at the same time. Mr. KFC would approve because its so finger lickin good. *laughs*
Then the pork loin was expertly wrapped with bacon and stuffing, the presentation was enticing as the bacon was baked to a sexy brown tan, the downside however was that the pork loin was slightly over-cooked for my liking. I enjoyed mine with some slight pinkness to the flesh. But again, shes hit jackpot with the flavours
Some Roasted Veges on the side: butternut squash, capsicums, and tomatoes.
Also on the side is the rosemary flavored mashed potatoes.
For dessert. =)
Check out the mess we made =)
P/S Just a little excitement to share. Whilst we were pan-searing our foie gras outdoors with the portable gas stove (2 of them), the gas leaked and our whole pan caught major fire, whereby we were all rushing to find water or ways to diffuse the fire (only to find it inflamed bigger), in the end, we manage to kill the flame by throwing two big bucket of water from the swimming pool. But, what is really noteworthy is how all of us re-acted to the situation.
~The ever so smart Chyn puts her hand into the fire to attempt to turn off the gas
~ PK was nowhere in sight.
~ Mom, being the one who always know what to do, ran all the way to the sink area (which is super far away) to get a bucket
~SY gave dad half a glass of water from our dining table as if she thinks that the mere glass of water can save the situation
~ Lil Twin sisters screams mommy mommy.!
And what was Augustdiners reaction?
Ms. Jazz: Its GONNA EXPLODE, GET AWAY FROM THAT PLACE*whilst hiding in the dining room as far away from the fire as possible- Damn Dramatic OKhehe
Crazieapple, on the other hand was the classic one..
SAVE THE FOOD, SAVE THE FOOD!! she screams- whilst flapping her hands up and down.
Lucky for us, dad manage to push most of the food away from harm before the moms buckets of chlorine filled water came splashing down. But unfortunately, 5 pieces of foie gras had died in vain.
So all excitement aside, the dinner was thoroughly enjoyable. If I knew Crazieapple can deliver a meal so well, I would be willing for myself to sit back with my knife whilst she graces the wok for our next cooking project.
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