Junk Food Coffee Cake

Yep. This has two ingredients that are processed and you can retrieve from a vending machine. If you are an organic monster, ignore this post. If not, check out Junk Foodie and enjoy.

Junk Food Coffee Cake
Adapted from the Junk Foodie

What you need:
1 chocolate chip cookie
2 Oreo cookies

What you do:
Crumble or smash the chocolate chip cookie into a crumby mixture. Separate the cream and cookie part of the Oreos and smash the cookie part into powder. Combine the Oreo powder and half of the chocolate chip cookie mixture with a splash of water. Mix together to make a fine paste. Place it in a small ramekin and microwave for 20 seconds. Allow it to cool and demold. Top with the Oreo cream and the remaining chocolate chip crumbs.

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