Green Olive Gnocchi

Have any of we ever done a salsa from green olives? Me either. Until now. we found myself with a vast container of pitted, herb-flecked green olives. And we meant a laaarge container. we do not know what we was thinking. we theory we bought them, intending to use them as partial of a cooking spread for friends. Then promptly forgot they existed. we found them a following morning hiding during a back of a container of feta. And so, olive season on Pierce Street begins. You can suppose my fad when, we came across a recipe I'd tagged many months ago in Maggie Beer's book, Maggie's Harvest. She makes green olive gnocchi, afterwards tosses it in a quirky, different easily tawny green olive sauce. The undiluted approach to put a hole in my olive supply.

Green Olive Gnocchi Recipe

Before we start, let me warn you, this isn't a quite tasteful sauce. And, I'm being kind here. But a salsa is noisy as well as deliciously distinctive. Here's a box where finishing a gnocchi with a few flavorful garnishes similar to boiled capers as well as chives done all a cultured difference in a world.

As distant as a specifics go - it's worth noting, we did a quick version of Maggie's recipe, reflected in a recipe below. we used store-bought gnocchi, as well as pan-fried it until it was deeply golden as well as crusted, instead of creation a gnocchi from scratch. You can skirt a gnocchi lightly, or some-more heavily, formed on your preference. The leftover green olive salsa kept easily in a refrigerator for a improved partial of a week, as well as was delicious on pasta, over brown rice, as well as alongside a bit of crumbled goat cheese in an omelette.

Green Olive G!  nocchi R ecipe

I goal a little of we give this a try. And now which I'm meditative about it, we consider we could deliver a little blanched broccoli if we similar to - a good approach to get a little green vegetables on a plate. Or even better, we might cut a florets extra small, as well as toss them in a pan with a gnocchi during a last notation to prepare which way.

Continue celebration of the mass Green Olive Gnocchi...

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