Preserved Pears

The thing about having ripened offspring trees is which when they produce, they unequivocally produce. One day you'll be seeking longingly at the tree, the next day we can't keep up with the boxloads of ripened offspring entrance off of it. So what we do is share. I'll give we the big bag of Grannys if we give me the big bag of fuyus. We sent Hank home the alternative day with some pomegranates and he showed up the couple of days after with the bag of Bartlett pears from his tree.Still, the bag of ripened offspring is the lot to get through before they spoil. So, in the case of Hank's pleasing pears we motionless to simply can them, in the light sugarine syrup, with the couple of pear-loving artificial flavouring thrown in for good measure. It's an easy approach to safety the ripened offspring for after enjoyment, when it's at the ripest. I'm regulating the light syrup comparative measure of the crater of sugarine to the quart of water. You could additionally make make use of of apple extract or white grape extract as your canning liquid. You could even make make use of of water, though the lightly sugared solution will help the ripened offspring retain the color for storage longer than the couple of weeks. For artificial flavouring we used cardamom, star anise, and cinnamon, because we know these artificial flavouring element the season of the pears. You could make make use of of nutmeg or vanilla too.

Preserved Pears Recipe

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  • 5-6 pounds Bartlett pears
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 quarts water
  • 2 star anise
  • 4 cardamom pods
  • 1 hang cinnamon
  • 3 to 4 1-quart canning jars or 6-8 pint jars


If we plan upon canning the pears for shelf (non-refrigerated storage), st! erilize your jars by possibly placing them in the 200F oven for 10 minutes, or in prohibited H2O for 10 minutes. Once the jars have been filled with pears, you'll wish to process in the H2O bath as well. You'll need the vast (12-quart if we have been regulating pint jars, 16-quart if we have been regulating quart jars) batch pot with the shelve at the bottom (we make make use of of the bubbling rack) so which the jars do not hold the bottom of the pan. Fill three buliding of the approach with prohibited H2O and put upon the stove to bring to the boil. While the H2O is heating proceed with the recipe. If we plan to solidify or cool your canned pears we can jump over this step. 1 Peel, core, and entertain the pears. Add them to the play of cold H2O which has been acidified with lemon extract or citric poison (can make make use of of the contents of the vitamin C capsule), to help forestall discoloration of the pears from oxidation.2 In the vast (5 or 6 quart) pot, add the sugar, water, and spices. Bring to the boil. Transfer the pear buliding from their lemon solution to the prohibited sugarine water. Let come to the bring to boil again, prepare for 5 minutes.3 Pack your canning jars with the pears. Pour the superfluous syrup over the pears to cover, leaving 1/2-inch of headroom from the tops of the jars. Wipe the rims with the paper towel. Put upon the lids.4 If canning for long term shelf storage (up to the year), place in the H2O bath for twenty minutes.

Makes 3 to 4 quarts.

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