Buh-nana Bread(s)


Bananas should always be bread. Its just whats right. Like how grapes should always be wine or jelly. I cant handle eating a plain banana. I have to drown completely drown it in peanut butter, or wrap it in white bread and drench it in honey. I just cant handle it.

Ill tell you what I can handle. Sweet, warm banana bread. With strawberries. With peanut butter. With oatmeal. With mango. Whatever you do, dont stop.

Low-Fat Oatmeal Banana Bread I made this and ate a major amount and I didnt even feel bad.

Peanut Butter Banana Bread As good as you think it sounds.

Strawberry Banana Bread And theres browned butter. I know. I just wont quit.

Vegan Mango Banana Bread Double fruit!

Vegan Pineapple Coconut Banana Bread A lot of words. A lot of awesome.

Rot some bananas and get your body bakin!

Ps. Im making kale chips today.

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